When mortar joints within the bricks start to deteriorate, crack or show voids, Tuck-pointing is preformed to reinforce the structure, seal the surface of the mortar and to keep rainwater out. Tuck-pointing consists of grinding out roughly 3/4″ of damaged mortar. We specialize in mortar matching. During our Tuck-pointing process, we would use custom polymer modified mortar (tinted to blend in with surrounding mortar) and install it over the grounded out mortar joints. Tuck-pointing with the wrong type of mortar can lead to failure or could create even more damage.
The problem is new cement and old cement does not bond well. Using standard mortar to preform Tuck-pointing will usually delaminate and fail within just a few years. Also if a standard mortar that is stronger than the existing mortar is used, it can cause additional problems such as spalling bricks, due to its expansion and contraction.
Sposato Masonry uses different types of mortars to accommodate each job differently while also being long-lasting. In addition, we use custom polymers to increase the mortars bonding properties, freeze-thaw durability and flexibility. Standard mortar also dries to a bright white creating an eye sore, making repairs noticeable for years. We specialize in mortar matching and tint all our mortars to create a weathered look to blend in with surrounding mortar joints as much as possible. Our goal is not to only solve all structural problems, but to also keep our clients house looking beautiful by making repairs so unnoticeable.