Efflorescence is the result of masonry material (brick or mortar) absorbing too much water. The water reacts with lime and other elements that make up the masonry material, which in turn causes salt particles to raise to the surface of the masonry. When the exterior moisture evaporates from the masonry, this leaves behind a chalky, unsightly white film. Efflorescence in itself is only a cosmetic issue, however it gives an indication that bricks and mortar are absorbing too much water. If remained untreated, this excess buildup of moisture would lead to spalling, cracking, and separation of bricks from mortar, especially when the water freezes and thaws during the winter months.
Efflorescence is very stubborn and difficult to remove. We use high psi power-washers, specialized masonry acids and detergents to remove the efflorescence as much as possible without causing further damage to the masonry. Using conventional cheap acids to remove the efflorescence can severely etch and causes the masonry to become highly porous. Leaving the masonry porous allows too much water to be absorbed, which would then freeze and expand during winter months, causing further damage the masonry structure.